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Aeration Done Right: Combine Core Aeration with Tine Venting for Optimal Results

Regular aeration is a crucial part of maintaining the health of your turf and ensuring that your greens and fairways are smooth, lush, and in top condition. But, let's face it, core aeration can be disruptive to play and takes a significant amount of time to execute, and for the course to fully recover. 

This is where adding needle tine venting to your regular core aeration routine can make a big difference. Tine venting is a quick, low-impact solution that provides many of the benefits of core aeration, without the disruption.

By performing tine venting in addition to your regular core aeration, you can achieve optimal results and keep your golf course in top condition. The tine venting process, performed in the summer months, will relieve soil compaction, allowing water to penetrate the surface more easily. This improved water penetration will not only result in healthier roots, but also make product applications, such as fungicides and other essential products, more effective.

Best of all, tine venting can be performed before the first tee time, with minimal impact on the playing surface. Your golfers will appreciate the quick turnaround time and hardly noticeable impact on their playing experience.

In addition, the small channels created by the tines during the tine venting process provide the perfect environment for seed germination, making it an effective solution for over seeding as well.

By combining core aeration with tine venting, you can achieve the best of both worlds: improved soil structure, reduced soil compaction, and enhanced product application, all while minimizing disruption to play. Don't miss out on the opportunity to provide your golfers with the best possible experience. Contact us today to schedule your venting service and keep your greens and fairways in top condition.

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