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The Allturf Fungicide Finder

The struggle is one we are all familiar with... Searching multiple sites to find SDS, Labels, forget about browsing the "Vincelli Report" to find active ingredient efficacies and then match them with their active ingredients listed on the label of your desired product application. Realistically you would need spreadsheets and hours of dedication to get an idea for a single plan.

The Allturf Fungicide Finder makes care of this all for you. Targeted at Golf Course Superintendents in Ontario and Canada, the Allturf Fungicide Finder takes scientific data on efficacies and resistance, matches them with Canadian product names,labels and SDS, and combines them all in one easy place to help you build a program that works for you.

Fungicide Finder

Search for name brand Canadian label fungicides based on brand, disease treatment, active ingredients and more. This tool helps you find what would take hours in a matter of seconds. Have a try for yourself!

In the future, Allturf hopes to expand this platform to include more and more useful features to make your job easier.